The Lonely Ghosts Walk 2016 Photos

Our ghost walk for all ages celebrates Perth’s past as our heritage town celebrates its 200th anniversary in 2016. This year’s “play that moves” will focus on the romance between a famous distillery owner and a women’s temperance advocate.

A Taste of Perth is a family-friendly, historic, theatrical play that moves through the town core of Perth every Friday evening at 7pm until August 26. (Photos by Jean-Denis Labelle)

Tickets: or 1-877-283-1283



Avoidiong the pants down with morgangarrett


Connor headache











dancing double couple leadswalk Garrett penny a day Helpmother with audience I bathed!


leadingtheghostwalkmorgan walkwith bannerlooped garrettmantrap1looped garrett malcolm alleyway malcolmhugsjohn malcom with 2  mantrap2 mantrapseducejohn mclaren;swhislkey merriment Morgan enters morgan in profile morgan putting on a spell outragedpreacher pant drop with four preacherinprofile threesomepreacher walkdownwilson



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