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Land Acknowledgement
Truth and Reconciliation is more than words. They must be equaled with action. As a means of acknowledging the land and people where we are privileged to live and work, we sought out the wisdom of Lynn Gehl, an Algonquin Anishinaabe-kwe from the Ottawa River Valley. For Lynn’s Land Acknowledgement Statement, click HERE.
5 days ago"A Circle of Time” is Burning Passions Theatre’s second “Seniors Sharing Stories” theatrical presentation. It’s rare when the lives of seniors are featured in the news or in entertainment, so for two years, this project has brought together community elders to create new works expressing their hopes, dreams, and challenges as they enter the fabled “third chapter” of their lives. (Special thanks to the Rideau Rockcliffe Seniors AI Art Group who designed this image!)
The new play, written and directed by Laurel Smith, explores the lives of those entering retirement as part of the sandwich generation, women juggling the needs of adult children and elderly parents while trying to chart a course for their own lives in the post 9-to-5 world. Filled with humour and heart-touching moments, A Circle of Time, an hour-long play followed by an audience talkback, plays in Ottawa March 26 and 27 at 2 and 7 pm at CRC Rideau-Rockcliffe CRC, 815 St Laurent Blvd. (2nd floor Drama Room), and pay what you wish tickets are now on sale at… ... See MoreSee LessView Comments- likes 2
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6 days agoRehearsals are in full swing for A Circle of Time, Burning Passions Theatre’s second “Seniors Sharing Stories” theatrical presentation. The new play, written and directed by Laurel Smith, explores the lives of those entering retirement as part of the sandwich generation, women juggling the needs of adult children and elderly parents while trying to chart a course for their own lives in the post 9-to-5 world. Filled with humour and heart-touching moments, A Circle of Time, an hour-long play followed by an audience talkback, plays in Ottawa March 26 and 27 at 2 and 7 pm at CRC Rideau-Rockcliffe CRC, and pay what you wish tickets are now on sale at… ... See MoreSee Less
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